
Not a Porcelain Doll co was formed after I gave birth to my daughter. Never before had I had such anxiety and panic as I did when that beautiful girl was brought in to the world. You see, my daughter was the reason I was born, she was that moment where all things that I had had to struggle through in life made sense. All the battles, all the scars – I had gone through hells fire in order to make it out alive to give her the tools to find her own strength, her own path, her own journey in life.
Yet, my fear consumed me, for I did not want my daughter to go through the pain and suffering that the world might throw upon her. I did not want her to go through rape, eating disorders, the horrid loss of a loved one because of addiction, discrimination, heartbreak, self-loathing. I wanted her life to be amazing, to be beautiful – but the world is not always full of butterflies and rainbows.
No, in this world we must fight in order to survive. We must stand tall, we must stand proud. As women we must stand together in order to help our children to navigate the world that could try to destroy them.
We as women are warriors by nature, make no mistake. We have the power to make it through the most heinous of betrayals, the most wicked of crimes, the most destructive scenarios that one could imagine. However, our strongest moment must come from the tools we pass down to our children so that their survival is an absolute.
They will walk through their own fire. They will fight their own wars in life. It is up to us to share our own battles so that they know that the strength to survive and conquer is inside each of them. We cannot leave them to walk alone. Our children are the next generation that will rule this world when we are gone. They come from a long line of warriors and champions. They come from the poor, from the rich, from the many different cultures and histories that we were all born in to. We must guide them to their strength, to their dedication to themselves and their happiness. We must fit them to their armor that will protect them when the storm comes to cripple them without mercy.
We are the ones who must show them that there is no such thing as perfect. We must show them that to be flawed, to have scars is what shows them that they can conquer this world.
We are our own warriors, our own champions, our own conquerors. We do not go quietly in to that dark night. No matter how often the world would like us to be as such, we are Not a Porcelain Doll. New Home Link


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